Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Flood Situation in Kuala Krai on the 26th Feb 2013

26/2 - 3 days raining continuously the road to KB (Tok Bok) flooded - not passable to small vehicles. We standby by for the  Flood alert.

Awards 2011-2012 from IP International President, Wingkun Tam

Awards 2011-2012 from IP International President, Wingkun Tam
President Wan  Siew Leng proudly received the Excellent President Award & Lions Club of Kuala Krai (District 308B1) received the President's Retention Campaign Award 2011-2012 from IP International President, Wingkun Tam

Monday, February 25, 2013

Training session - 'SIGHT FOR KIDS PROGRAM'

Training session at School for ' SIGHT FOR KIDS PROGRAM"
20/2 - We started the teacher training session at SYP1 by the Eye specialist from GH Kuala Krai so that the teachers can proceed with the eye screening project .  Any problems will be refered to Hospital and Lions Eye Clinic for the free spectacles.



Joint Project LC Kota Bharu

21/2 – We were invited by NGO Alumni Yuk Chai for celebration of CNY 2013 . At the same time
We  distributed 50 school bags to students of SJK (C) Yuk Chai which is a  Joint project with LC Kota Bharu. Thanks to our DC Ln Wan Siew Leng for the good arrangement meaningful cultural events and good fellowship with the NGO.  




21/2- We participated in the Chinese Calligraphy competition (Open) during the CNY 2013 Celebration at the SJK © Yuk Chai – 1st. Lion Francis Lim , 2nd. Pre. Yap Sier Seng & 3rd. DC Wan Siew Leng.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Launching of Eye Screening Project in Kelantan for students in Kelantan

7/2/2013 - Majlis Perasmian Pelancaran Projek Saringan Penglihatan Pelajar Sekolah Rendah Dan Menengah di Daerah Kuala Krai dengan Kerjasama Kelab Lions Antarabangsa 
-Di Dewan Ibnu Sina, Asrama Hospital Kuala Krai

Anjuran               :- Lions Eye Clinic Foundation & Klinik Mata Hospital Kuala Krai
Dirasmikan oleh:  Yg. Bhg. Dato’ Dr. Ahmad Razin Bin Dato’ Haji Ahmad Mahir
                                (Pengarah Kesihatan Negeri Kelantan)
Program             :  Majlis penyampaian cermin mata kepada 20 murid sekolah
                                 Majlis penyampaian cenderamata dan sijil  kepada guru-guru PJK
Rabun merupakan masalah penglihatan kabur atau tidak jelas akibat daripada focus kurang sempurna oleh sistem optik mata. Ia boleh mengakibatkan kecacatan penglihatan kekal sekiranya tidak dibetulkan.  Di Malaysia, rabun jauh merupakan masalah penglihatan yang sering berlaku terutama kepada golongan pelajar sekolah  yang berusia dalam lingkungan umur 7 – 17 tahun. Namun, tahap pengesanan masalah rabun dikalangan pelajar sekolah khususnya di Daerah Kuala Krai masih rendah.

Objektif Umum
- Meningkatkan pengesanan masalah rabun di kalangan pelajar Sekolah Rendah & Menengah Daerah Kuala Krai
- 2000 cermin mata percuma akan diberikan kepada pelajar di Negeri Kelantan.

Objektif Khusus
- Menentukan liputan saringan penglihatan
- Mengenal pasti faktor penyebab rabun di kalangan pelajar sekolah
- Mengenal pasti jenis-jenis rabun yang dialami
- Membuat penambahbaikan
- Menilai keberkesanan tindakan penambahbaikan.
Dr. Laila Bt Abdullah (pengarah Hospital Kuala Krai)
Dr. JP Kamalanathan (Pengerusi Lions Eye Clinic Foundation)
Dr. Abrul Mutalib  Othman (Pakar Mata Kuala Krai)
Ast Sup. Nuradudin & Ins. Norhayah (Polis Kuala Krai)
DC Youth Wan Siew Leng , President Nyasegere, Yap Sier Seng &Asharun UJI




Saturday, February 9, 2013

Joint Project with LC Kota Budaya at our DSC Centre for Chinese New YeaR

1/2 - Joint Project with LC Kota Budaya at DSC Centre (our adopted centre) with 50 students & parents. We invited Kuala Krai's OCPD, ADO and Government Welfare Centres. We had Chinese Calligraphy, distribution of Ang Paus and Mandarin Oranges. cakes, Lunch and soft ice cream. We also decorated the center with 15 recycled lanterns.




Joint Project with NGO - Hakka Association of Kuala Krai

Joint Project with NGO - Hakka Association of Kuala Krai

1/2 - We jointly distributed 60 angpow and foodstuff to the senior citizen for Chinese New Year