Sunday, July 8, 2012

Lions Education Fund (LEArN)

The Lions District 308B1 have launched an Education Fund called the Lions Education Assistance for the Needy (LEArN) Fund to address the education needs of the poor. This fund was set up by PDG YB Dato Yeow Wah Chin.
The LEArN Fund is an interest free education assistance fund. Upon graduation and securing a job, the recipients will repay the money according to a mutually agreed repayment scheme. The "revolving nature of the Fund is designed to help more underprivileged people over the years.

1. To assist poor Malaysian students who are in need of financial assistance to pursue higher education in Malaysia.
2. To provide financial assistance to cover education fees as well as living expenses.
On the 6th July 2012, our student Wong Choon Wah was one of the recipients of this fund. The cheque was presented in conjunction with IP Wayne A. Madden’s visit to Malayisa for the Official Inaugration of DG Governor Chan Hoi.  He was awarded RM5,000.00 a year for 5 years for his Civil Engineering Course in Petronas University, Perak. We are very happy for Wong and we wish him all the best in his studies.

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